Sunday 10th July 2011 – Day of cultural and national identity
Getting up after yesterday intercultural evening was for most of us very hard. When we finally ate our breakfast and evaluated yesterday, the short lecture about cultural shock took place. We learnt, how somebody who comes to live in abroad for a while reacts on different culture and way of life, which stages of cultural shock must he or she overcome and how. This lecture was followed by game in near forest that showed a difficulty but also necessity of cooperation between people from different cultures. All of us enjoyed this game.
After lunch and popular energizer Princesses, dragons and knights we discussed a topic of national identity – what are typical attributes of nation, how can we divide them and what does it mean for us personally, to be a member of a state or nation. In groups we played a game in which most of us knew rules and one did not, and had to guess it. The meaning of this interesting game was to try a feeling of someone who comes to a different national milieu.
For the evening the organisers prepared an adventure game in the forest. Hopefully nobody got lost and in the end we even found a liquid award.
Neděle 10. 7. 2011 – Den kulturní a národní identity
Po obědě a oblíbeném energizeru Princové, draci a rytíři jsme diskutovali na téma národní identity – jaké jsou typické znaky národa, jak je můžeme dělit a co pro nás osobně znamená být příslušníkem určitého státu nebo národa. Ve skupinách jsme pak hráli hru, jejíž pravidla většina z nás znala a zbývající na ně musel přijít v průběhu hry. Jejím smyslem bylo vyzkoušet si pocit jedince, který se ocitne v cizím národním či kulturním prostředí.
Na večer organizátoři připravili bojovku v lese. Naštěstí se nikdo neztratil a na konci na nás dokonce čekala tekutá odměna.
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